E-Registration: For Old Property And What The Experts Have To Say
Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

The process of e-registration has commenced in India. It is important for property owners to get their documents registered through this mode.


The process of e-registration is simple and convenient. Owners need to register the following documents:

* Power of Attorney (sale, transfer, hold or deconstruct).

* Non-testamentary instruments which are needed directly to or operate to create, declare or assign any right, title or interest of the value of one hundred rupees and upwards, to any kind of immovable property (inherited land).

* Non-testamentary instruments which acknowledge full receipt of payment of any consideration on the transfer of ownership to a new owner.


Real estate experts say that e-registration of land is very essential as it helps them to focus on larger projects. E-Registration adds a lot of transparency to the nation’s land assets as a whole, and it also helps in achieving credibility to the agent, expert or contractor’s credentials. Deals also will remain free from getting entangled in legal troubles, as not getting documents e-registered can pose some potential risks.

All in all, one should always e-register each dealing – purchase or sale, so that an authentication is given to the entire holding or property. In situations where there is a need to consolidate power then e-registration helps government bodies to determine the rightful owner and thus avoid family disagreements. A plus point is that the e-registration helps in recording and maintaining evidence of any transaction, and also quickly being able to produce it positively affects the property or confers special powers to an individual or firm.